“You knew this was the place where you could reach your dreams. But we can’t take a shortcut. There are no shortcuts.”

Texas Longhorns wide receivers coach Charlie Williams gives the above “Longhorn Lessons” speech on responsibility.

“There’s a reason why you came here,” Williams tells the team. “You knew this was the place where you could reach your dreams. But we can’t take a shortcut. There are no shortcuts. When you want to win a championship bad enough there are no shortcuts.”

Williams tells the players to look at each other when they feel like they can’t go any further.

“The price of greatness is responsibility,” says Williams. “Winston Churchill said that. We all have to be responsible for our actions, for everything we do. We have this jersey right here. The ‘Texas’ on this jersey represents our university, this great university that each and every one of you guys chose to come to.

“Your name will be on the back of this jersey, and nobody in this room, nobody in this room wants to let their mom and dad down. So we are going to wear our jerseys proud. Think about your responsibility to your family, to the guys sitting next to you, and to this university.”