Jim Brown-USA TODAY Sports

“I’ve never said ‘flocking to the ball’ in my life….don’t say that around our players.”

A quick note to Gamecocks fans. If you ever meet Will Muschamp, don’t say that his team “flocks to the ball”, because he’s liable to correct you on the spot. Granted, P&C Gamecocks beat writer David Caraviello didn’t know that going in, so he’ll get a pass, but…

What does it mean to flock, anyway? Let’s ask our old friend Mr. Webster.

to gather or move in a flock

…thanks. Well, let’s take a look at what the word means as a noun:

a large number <a flock of tourists>

I’m not sure if “flock” would be a good word here. “Fly” would be a good one. As Muschamp said, “We’re Gamecocks. We fly to the ball.” What about “swarm”? Perhaps that would work better. Whenever I think of the word “flock”, I get a picture of a bunch of birds converging on an animal left for dead on the side of the highway. TMI, I know, but I’m making a point.

And he is saying flock, by the way. Just so we’re clear.

You can watch the whole 20-minute press conference in its entirety right here.