Disclaimer: Before you proceed, just remember that none of the links are vetted and you may be reading something written by a 13-year-old, a so-called sports journalist or Clay Travis (is there really any difference between those options?). Some stories are from those unreliable, pesky pay sites, too. Read at your own peril.
Texas’ defense is surprising good: The numbers don’t lie; Texas is good on defense.
Texas WR John Burt has a message for recruits: You have to love Burt’s confidence in the program and Coach Strong.
Charlie Strong is authentic and that’s why he is successful at recruiting: Strong recruits players with a mix of honesty and realness that recruits and families find appealing.
Baylor Blotter
The Baylor Board of Regents did not take a vote on Art Briles return in 2017: The BU Board was under “an unbelievable amount of pressure” from influential donors to reinstate Briles in 2017. Want some names of those slimy Baylor donors?
In news that will surprise no one, victim’s families are not pleased at the idea of a possible second act for Briles: A family member summed this up well: “This is a very dirty place that we’ve seen has been very conniving and low down. It’s hard to fathom because not only is this a university, but it’s a Christian university.”
The Baylor Revolution is revolting: The Web site Baylor Revolution shows the ugly side of fandom. The site creator may be in the minority, but he certainly makes Baylor look bad.
Baylor recruits are still in limbo: Baylor has yet to release their recruits from the LOIs. What are they waiting for?
Read Option(al) or some other stuff.
Earl Thomas was never a South Carolina DB: Schools are now claiming players that their current coaches coached at another school.
Athletic departments should not be allowed to treat sexual assault allegations like annoying obstacles to winning: It is time that schools stop hoping the stories go away without any kind of action.
There is a downside to winning at all costs: College football needs talented coaches who are good role models with a strong moral compass.
Big 12 QBs are doing some remarkable hings with a football: Tech’s Patrick Mahomes dropped to his knees and passed a football 65 yards.