Can the offseason please be over? Right now? No more offseason please.
The offseason needs to die. Right now. No more life for the offseason. It’s almost over anyway. But it needs to end right now. Mississippi State’s Nick James, the giant defensive lineman, was reportedly arrested for public intoxication last night.
But then there were reports that there was no record of such an arrest. Which is super weird.
Generally, you know, if arrests happen, there’s records on those things, right? But apparently the record books entered a black hole or something. And now Mississippi State and Dan Mullen are confirming the existence of the arrest (now they just need to join Neil de Grasse Tyson and talk about black holes for a halftime show).
This has been completely wild. MSU was able to confirm “an incident” before SPD has been able to tell us what he’s arrested for.
— Michael Bonner (@MikeBBonner) August 28, 2016
MSU on Nick James: Coach Mullen is aware of an incident involving Nick James that occurred last night, and he is currently getting for info.
— Ben Wait (@bcwait) August 28, 2016
Public intoxication generally isn’t a big thing and of all the things that could happen with football players being arrested, this isn’t a huge deal. However, James does have a slight history of off the field issues.
The offseason needs to end right now. We’ve endured enough of not having college football. Saturday, get here soon, please.